El CERSIN pretén convertir-se en un referent per a l’estudi dels processos inclusius per a millorar la qualitat de vida de totes les persones al llarg de la seva vida. És important que totes les accions estiguin encaminades a desenvolupar al màxim les potencialitats en cada persona, i es duguin a terme des de la participació, respectant el valor de les diferències entre les persones i sent conscients de la complexitat i incertesa que envolten els espais de relació.

Crear línies de recerca, participant en convocatòries competitives, per tal d’analitzar el binomi inclusió-exclusió des d’una vessant educativa, laboral, cultural i social.

Potenciar sinergies entre el món universitari de la recerca i els moviments, associacions, administracions i institucions relacionades amb aquest camp d’estudi.

Promoure activitats de transferència del coneixement i d’assessorament, encaminades a fomentar els processos inclusius.

Col·laborar amb les Administracions Públiques en el disseny i en la implementació de polítiques i de disposicions normatives.

Col·laborar en el procés de conscienciació, respecte i reconeixement de totes les persones, les seves necessitats com a ciutadans i dels seus drets a través d’activitats de difusió.

Welcome To Acctual

We Are Calculating The Best Opportunities For You
Our team is ready to act as a Leader to solve any issues related to the development and implementation of the project. At the same time, we understand the peculiarities of the processes of large corporations and are able to coordinate technical solutions with your internal departments and processes.
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Welcome To Acctual

Services We are  Offering

Your business and your commercial goals are above all else. Whatever the scale and nature of your projects, our specialists have the skills and experience necessary to successfully solve your problems.

Great Experiences

We develop an individual integrated solution for your business and select a unique set of services for it, combining them with a single strategy and goal

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Digital Marketing

The project is managed by a professional who controls the entire range of work and coordinates all members of the team

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Consulting Services

You trust your business with one team and in the end get a high-quality and fast result

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Frequently Asked Questions

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We provide services to companies that are already on the market or are just planning to start their activities there.
We provide services to companies that are already on the market or are just planning to start their activities there.
We provide services to companies that are already on the market or are just planning to start their activities there.
We provide services to companies that are already on the market or are just planning to start their activities there.
We provide services to companies that are already on the market or are just planning to start their activities there.
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