Fostering social inclusion for all through artistic education by developing support for students with disabilities. (INART-dis)

Tittle: Fostering social inclusion for all through artistic education by developing support for students with disabilities. (INART-dis).

Members: Mar Badia, Rosa Fortuny, Ester Miquel, Mar Morón (IP), Toni Pérez, Xavier Ribes i Josep M. Sanahuja (IP).

Partners: Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa (Portugal), Pádagogische Hochschule Steiermark (Austria), Association for Promotion of Education, Culture, and Sport EDUCATION FOR ALL Skopje. North Macedonia, Universidad de Cantabria (Spain), Thikwa Werkstatt für Theater und Kunst der Nordberliner Werkgemeinschaft (Germany)

Code: 621441-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN

 Financing: 624.217€

 Financing entity: EACEA

Summary: The purpose of INART-dis project is to bring art and culture closer to students with disabilities in order to develop social inclusion through artistic creation spaces to facilitate inclusion processes. Through this project it is intended that people with disabilities of several territories of the European Union have the experience of making their own artistic creations in order to promote self-determined behavior in these people by creating inclusive artistic spaces in which people with disabilities, educators and professionals of the cultural institutions participate.

The general objective of the project is to disseminate and scale up by replicating good practices on inclusive education and promoting common values, initiated in particular at local level to different contexts and implementing it at a higher level. To achieve this objective the consortium members made up of Cersin and collaborating entities which are indicated above promote inclusive education and training and fostering the education of disadvantaged learners (people with disability) through fostering educational staff, through the dissemination and scaling up of inclusive good practices by developing and implementing inclusive methodologies through Arts Education.

The INARTdis project will be developed during three years in four phases. The first phase detects the needs, barriers and opportunities to develop socio-educational processes that favour the development of social inclusion. In the second phase professionals from educational centers and the museum will be trained in related to inclusive and artistic education and how it plays an important role in the development of social inclusion processes. In the third phase the project will carry out the design and the implementation and evaluation through the creation of inclusive and creative spaces in museums from each partner’s context with its own features, policies and strategies. And in the last phase synergies will be created that promote the sustainability of the project.

Five target groups will participate in the implementation of this project: people with disabilities, cultural and educational institutions and their professionals, directly; and social, educational, policy and cultural stakeholders and the social and cultural community of each territory, indirectly.

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