Governance in Inclusive Education (GovInEd)
Title: Governance in Inclusive Education (GovInEd)
Members: David Gutiérrez, Ester Miquel, Noemí Santiveri i Josep M. Sanahuja (IP).
Partners: University College of Teacher Education Styria (Coordinator) (Austria), Bildungsdirektion Steiermark (Austria), Paedagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (Germany), Universitaet Leipzig (Germany), Staatliches Schulamt Tübingen (Germany), Libera Universita Di Bolzano (Italy), Provincia Autonoma Di Bolzano (Italy), Departament d’Educació- Generalitat de Catalunya
Code: 2021-1-AT01-KA220-HED-000032205.
Financing: 364.452€-45.430€ (UAB)
Financing entity: AT01 – OeAD – OeAD (Österreichische Austauschdienst)
Project end date: January 2025
Summary: Inclusive education reforms and change processes are complex phenomena on various systemic and policy levels. To ensure true innovation and sustainability, all players, agents and stakeholders need to be actively committed and involved, and updated, on the entirety of ongoing change-processes. The research goals are to explore how and why coordination or implementation does or does not work in all levels of the governance system (multi-level-analyses of governance) and to gain knowledge and expertise that can be shared through professionalization of stakeholders on governance of inclusive education.
Project activities: (1) Establishment of “Regional Multi-level Communities of Practice” to survey the multi-level-system of governance (multi-level-analysis of governance); (2) Development of an advanced “Training and Education Modul”, as well as “Curricula”, including course materials and practical studies (in the governance levels, like policy, school administration) to impact governance of inclusive education systems; (3) Development of a “Web-based Platform with OER”. The platform is designed to provide barrier-free and inclusion-aware access to the research in the four participating countries to all of Europe, even beyond the project period. (4) Organization of Multiplier events, for publicizing and disseminating the results and intellectual outputs of GovInEd.